Thank you for your consideration to give toward the ministry of Long Creek Baptist Church. It is our desire and intent to wisely and prayerfully use all the gifts God provides through your generosity. Presently, if you wish to give electronically, please do so by e-transfer to our email address set up for this purpose You may indicate that you wish to designate your funds to one of the following; otherwise, if undesignated the amount will be included in the General Fund. If you wish to mail in your gift, send to Long Creek Baptist Church, Attention: Treasurer, PO Box 298, Cornwall, PE C0A1H0.; Note: If you wish to receive an income tax receipt, please provide your mailing address and any details regarding the designation of funds you wish us to know. Thank you.
The General Fund enables the church to continue ministry in essential areas. It is where the bulk of the work of this nature is done. It is a blessing to take care of our pastor’s salary, the church building and also areas of commitment as determined by the church Body. Scripture mandates us to give, not under compulsion but cheerfully and the effect is clear…. we give as God directs, and as individuals and corporately, we are blessed; its as simple and wonderfully profound as that.
The Global Ministry Fund enables us to support those who go where we cannot go and to do what we are unable to do on our own in areas of the world where the need is great.
The Benevolent /Helping Hand Fund is to meet local needs. It allows us to reach out to those in our surrounding community who find themselves in a tight spot, or to a family at a time of tragedy, or to respond to a local crisis.
In times when a Memorial Gift or an Urgent Need are indicated we may not have your contact information on file. As the electronic deposit is made automatically, we cannot contact you for follow-up so kindly provide your mailing address and/or email address if you wish to receive an income tax receipt.